
Packing! Yes, that's what I have to do this evening. Although 'packing' is actually the wrong word. For many years I have developed this 'peculiarity' of writing lists for travelling. And so it happens that there is already a list for this planned trip. It was written last year when I set off towards the Grossglockner at about the same time of year.
So dig out the list from last year and simply put, throw, place... the things on the list into the DSR/X's case. Just put it in.
It's nice that there is suddenly so much storage space available compared to the SR/F. Traveling with an SUV ...
The last official act for this evening is to start charging to 110%. "Extended Range" is what Zero calls it. These 110% should take me to Holzkirchen by the shortest route tomorrow morning - from there the Alps-fun can begin.

Day 1 – Upper Palatinate to Stelvio

Thursday morning, Assumption Day 2024, I set the alarm for 5:30 a.m. That wouldn't have been necessary, because I wake up on my own 5 minutes earlier. I'm ready to go. I get myself up to operating temperature with a small first breakfast with plenty of coffee and cereal. At just after 6 a.m. I'm sitting on the DSR/X. It doesn't need to warm up. The Zero is always at operating temperature. Not far from home, the sun then makes its way out to greet me in the morning.

Sunrise on day 1 – looks promising

It looks like the weather will be good over the next few days. Temperatures of up to 30 degrees are forecast, but that's better than having to prepare for rain.

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